Things to Consider before Baby's First Haircut

Some babies need haircuts in the first 6 months of life, others might be 3 years old before having their first haircut. This varies considerably from baby to baby but regardless of your baby's luxurious long locks or adorable bald head, there are some hormonal, developmental and safety issues to be aware of before bringing out the scissors for this special first milestone.

Gear Up for Baby's First Overnight Away

Baby's first overnight away is a special milestone and can also be stressful for mom and dad when deciding what to pack. It's easy to get carried away with the amount of gear to bring. This post will highlight some baby travel products worth their weight.

Halloween Treats for Baby

Halloween Treats for Baby

Halloween is just around the corner and parents are stocking up on candy for trick-or-treating. Let your baby join in the Halloween fun too with these healthy and spooktacular treats you can easily make at home.